Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I(t) will get better!

So, this week has been full of both smiles and tears. Literally. I've been sick with the flu (which has now changed over to a cold) for about a week now and I finally broke down today. I cried and cried because I just wanted to feel better. I felt like a child!

When I told Mom that I cried, she responded with "Well, yeah, that's what we do when we're sick. Mostly because we feel bad for ourselves." Simple as that. Thanks Mom.

Then she took me to the doctor and I was given some medicine to hopefully make me feel better. Yay!

Tomorrow I leave for Buffalo so I can interview for an assistantship. (If you're worried that I'll get others sick, don't be. I'm no longer contagious!) I'm really excited to go out there. I will have my car so I'll be able to look around the city a little bit. I think it will be a great time!

I am promising myself that once I'm feeling better, I will get my butt back into the gym. My body is so mad at me for just laying around for the past week. I need to get moving again.

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