Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have a fortune from a fortune cookie hanging on the mirror in my bedroom. 

It reads "Set the right example, it will inspire others". 

I try to remind myself to think that way every day. I don't always do such a great job, but hey, at least I'm thinking about it. 

But, what happens when you try to set a good example and hold others to a certain standard and it still doesn't work out? What happens when people are a negative influence on those that they are supposed to be role models for? 

It is frustrating to be in a position where you have the opportunity to have such a big impact on others and really feel like you're making a difference in their lives, and instead you're watching someone ruin it for them. There's a hard balance between getting involved and letting things play out as they will. 

_ _ _ 

Anyways, I should stop complaining and think about all of the AWESOME things that have been happening! 

I got accepted into a wonderful masters program and got an assistantship that will pay for almost all of it! I have amazing friends who have been so supportive, even though we're all sad that I'll be away for two years. I got beautiful "congratulations" flowers and my parents are going to take me out to dinner this weekend. They're the best! 

We're doing a program at work called GetFit. Team Sunshine and Butterflies is (not) dominating. I've been working out more than normal, so that's great....but apparently we're not working hard enough. Oh well, if all else fails, maybe we can still win an award for Best Team Name.

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