Monday, March 14, 2011


It always seems strange to me when someone starts a conversation or a question with "This is probably none of my business, but..." or "I don't care one way or another, but...".

It always seems like a lie. If you really didn't think it was your business, you wouldn't have asked. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have brought it up. It is funny to me that people think that starting with those comments makes it less awkward to pry. It isn't less awkward. It is frustrating. If I wanted to talk to you about my personal life, I would probably have talked to you.

Although, I guess I could do a better job of answering honestly. I need to stop saying "it is fine that you asked" when in reality I think you're annoying for asking.

I have gotten so much support from my friends and family with every new thing that has come up, whether it is a new job, a new place I am going to live or a new relationship. The people who support me are the ones who I know really matter. I'm not saying that they necessarily agree with everything that I do, but they have a supportive way of disagreeing.

The people who "know it is none of their business" are probably right.

I think this turned out to be more of a rant and more angry-sounding than I actually am. I guess it all started with a bad coffee this morning. Yuck.

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