"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." -Havelock Ellis
Time is flying by. Seriously, flying! In just over a week, I need to have my life packed and ready for Buffalo.
I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm sad. I'm (trying to be) organized. And I am oh so thankful for Google. I've been looking everything up.
"Things to do before you move" (which taught me that you should change your toilet seat for the new person moving in. Ew...)
"How to stay on a budget" (which basically told me that my trips to Starbucks need to be cut out of my life. Not happening)
"When should you close a credit card" (I'm just as confused on that one as I was when I started my search)
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I just needed to have a quick follow up to renew my prescriptions before I left. When I got there, my doctor told me that he could tell I was too stressed. He recommended deep breathing and had a little mini session while I was in his office. So I sat there, learning breathing exercises from him for about 10 minutes. Sounds practical, right? He was my dermatologist.
Anyways, I guess relaxing a little is probably a good thing. It is just hard to get myself organized while trying to relax. There are so many people who I want to spend time with before I leave but I just don't have enough days to fit it all in.
I know everything will get done and I will be happy once I'm settled in NY. I just need to get through this transition.
I found a great website called Tiny Buddha, with lots of quotes that remind me to just enjoy my time. Thanks to Tess for sharing this site on her blog!
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