Monday, June 27, 2011


I've always known that I have amazing friends and family. They've been more than wonderful to me throughout my life. And as my recent posts have mentioned, I'm really going to miss them when I leave. I was overbooking myself, completely worried about not seeing every person before I left. Little did I know, I'd get to see so many wonderful people at once!!

I promise you all, this reaction was not faked! 

So, apparently the conspiracy started about a month ago when Jeff, Nichole and Mike decided to plan a party. They managed to contact my friends and my family and get everyone together for a day. It was so amazing. 

I thought that I was going to a housewarming party. Because we were going to be in town early, we were going to stop at my parents' house for a little while. 

When I walked into the backyard, I think it took me about three whole minutes to figure out why so many people were standing there!! 

And, I've had a big smile on my face ever since. 

Thank you to all who made the day so wonderful!! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Shortly after finishing my last post, I saw an article on Twitter. It offered steps on how to relax:

Dr. Gladd’s Breathing Technique:
  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place. Make sure the room is not too bright. If you choose to play music, be certain it’s relaxing and set to a reasonable volume.
  2. Wear comfortable clothing that is not too tight.
  3. Stand, sit or lie in a position that keeps the back straight.
  4. Start by clearing your mind of all thoughts and focusing only on your breathing. Feel the air come into your lungs and go out of your lungs. Do this for several minutes, getting into a relaxed state.
  5. Try for several breaths to make your breathing as slow, deep, quiet and regular as possible.
  6. As you continue to focus on your breathing, try to exhale completely, pushing all of the air out of your lungs. You will need to use the muscles between the ribs to do this. Inhale very slowly and fill your lungs back up with fresh air.
  7. The next exercise is the most relaxing technique:
    1. The tip of your tongue should be against the roof of your mouth, right behind your teeth, during this entire exercise.
    2. Close your lips and breathe in for 4 seconds.
    3. Hold that breath for 7 seconds.
    4. Open your mouth and push your lips out, exhaling that breath for 8 seconds.
    5. Repeat steps a-d for a series of 4 breaths.
    6. Finish by breathing regularly, continuing to focus on your breathing.
    7. You should notice an immediate feeling of peace after completing this exercise.

I guess others are in need of some relaxation too!

You can find the full article here:

9 days...

"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." -Havelock Ellis

Time is flying by. Seriously, flying! In just over a week, I need to have my life packed and ready for Buffalo.

I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm sad. I'm (trying to be) organized. And I am oh so thankful for Google. I've been looking everything up.

"Things to do before you move" (which taught me that you should change your toilet seat for the new person moving in. Ew...) 

"How to stay on a budget" (which basically told me that my trips to Starbucks need to be cut out of my life. Not happening)

"When should you close a credit card" (I'm just as confused on that one as I was when I started my search)

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I just needed to have a quick follow up to renew my prescriptions before I left. When I got there, my doctor told me that he could tell I was too stressed. He recommended deep breathing and had a little mini session while I was in his office. So I sat there, learning breathing exercises from him for about 10 minutes. Sounds practical, right?   He was my dermatologist. 

Anyways, I guess relaxing a little is probably a good thing. It is just hard to get myself organized while trying to relax. There are so many people who I want to spend time with before I leave but I just don't have enough days to fit it all in. 

I know everything will get done and I will be happy once I'm settled in NY. I just need to get through this transition. 

I found a great website called Tiny Buddha, with lots of quotes that remind me to just enjoy my time.  Thanks to Tess for sharing this site on her blog!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Sarah has been my best friend since I was three. We lived across the street from each other growing up. We practically lived at each other's houses growing up. We shared a lot... including our obsession with the Backstreet Boys. 

Well, Sarah turned 25 in May and what do you think she asked for? Tickets to the NKOTB and BSB concert! They put on an amazing show at Fenway Park. 

I was fairly certain that I was going to cry the second Nick Carter walked on stage. I am happy to say that I kept my tears inside, but was dancing like a maniac! 

The day was a little bit chilly and about half way through their show, it started pouring. I mean pouring

Everyone started out the show in Red Sox jerseys, played a bit in Bruins attire, and finished out with Celtics and Orlando Magic jerseys. 

I think this may have been one of the most fun concerts I've ever been to. It was exciting to go back in time and be just as excited as I was at their concert when I was a teenager. You could tell that the NKOTB were beyond excited to be playing at Fenway. Their excitement, plus the rain, made it a once in a lifetime concert. 

And, no....I am not embarrassed by any of this :) 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Top 3

I'm not someone who gets anxious or worked up very often, but for some reason, I can't shake that feeling today.

So, I decided that I need to start thinking about things that made me happy.

Today, I was happy because...

The weather was perfect today! We got through the first of four Orientation sessions. Welcome, Class of 2015!
I have the chance to get off campus tonight, go for a walk & have dinner with someone who I'm really going to miss when I leave.
I have someone wonderful in my life who I can talk to about anything. For the first time, I'm not afraid to talk about things or worry about being myself. I'm so lucky.

24 days...

I'm (hesitantly) counting down the days until I pack up the U-Haul and start my trip out to Buffalo.

I can see it now....

A beautiful July day. 
Everyone I pass getting really excited for their long, holiday weekend. 
Sun shining.
My whole life (okay, just everything that I want to carry along with me) packed into boxes.
Plugging my New York address into my GPS.
And me crying uncontrollably as I drive down the highway, thinking about how much I'm leaving behind.

Yes, I know, it sounds dramatic, but I will put money on the fact that this is how I'll be. As the date gets closer, I'm having more and more tear filled conversations, both with myself and with other people. 

I feel like a College freshman again. Probably even more scared this time, since I'll be living more than an hour from home for the first time. I continuously have that feeling in my throat that I'm going to start crying at any moment. 

So, why am I doing this?? I know it is a great opportunity for me. I have all the support from the people I love. As much as I will miss them, I know that in just two years I will be packing up my life again to move back to Boston. I'll probably be writing another post about how much I am dreading leaving my new friends. 

But that doesn't make this any easier. I am happy right now. I have found people who I want to keep in my life. Giving up seeing them every day is going to be hard.