Monday, June 27, 2011


I've always known that I have amazing friends and family. They've been more than wonderful to me throughout my life. And as my recent posts have mentioned, I'm really going to miss them when I leave. I was overbooking myself, completely worried about not seeing every person before I left. Little did I know, I'd get to see so many wonderful people at once!!

I promise you all, this reaction was not faked! 

So, apparently the conspiracy started about a month ago when Jeff, Nichole and Mike decided to plan a party. They managed to contact my friends and my family and get everyone together for a day. It was so amazing. 

I thought that I was going to a housewarming party. Because we were going to be in town early, we were going to stop at my parents' house for a little while. 

When I walked into the backyard, I think it took me about three whole minutes to figure out why so many people were standing there!! 

And, I've had a big smile on my face ever since. 

Thank you to all who made the day so wonderful!! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Shortly after finishing my last post, I saw an article on Twitter. It offered steps on how to relax:

Dr. Gladd’s Breathing Technique:
  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place. Make sure the room is not too bright. If you choose to play music, be certain it’s relaxing and set to a reasonable volume.
  2. Wear comfortable clothing that is not too tight.
  3. Stand, sit or lie in a position that keeps the back straight.
  4. Start by clearing your mind of all thoughts and focusing only on your breathing. Feel the air come into your lungs and go out of your lungs. Do this for several minutes, getting into a relaxed state.
  5. Try for several breaths to make your breathing as slow, deep, quiet and regular as possible.
  6. As you continue to focus on your breathing, try to exhale completely, pushing all of the air out of your lungs. You will need to use the muscles between the ribs to do this. Inhale very slowly and fill your lungs back up with fresh air.
  7. The next exercise is the most relaxing technique:
    1. The tip of your tongue should be against the roof of your mouth, right behind your teeth, during this entire exercise.
    2. Close your lips and breathe in for 4 seconds.
    3. Hold that breath for 7 seconds.
    4. Open your mouth and push your lips out, exhaling that breath for 8 seconds.
    5. Repeat steps a-d for a series of 4 breaths.
    6. Finish by breathing regularly, continuing to focus on your breathing.
    7. You should notice an immediate feeling of peace after completing this exercise.

I guess others are in need of some relaxation too!

You can find the full article here:

9 days...

"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." -Havelock Ellis

Time is flying by. Seriously, flying! In just over a week, I need to have my life packed and ready for Buffalo.

I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm sad. I'm (trying to be) organized. And I am oh so thankful for Google. I've been looking everything up.

"Things to do before you move" (which taught me that you should change your toilet seat for the new person moving in. Ew...) 

"How to stay on a budget" (which basically told me that my trips to Starbucks need to be cut out of my life. Not happening)

"When should you close a credit card" (I'm just as confused on that one as I was when I started my search)

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I just needed to have a quick follow up to renew my prescriptions before I left. When I got there, my doctor told me that he could tell I was too stressed. He recommended deep breathing and had a little mini session while I was in his office. So I sat there, learning breathing exercises from him for about 10 minutes. Sounds practical, right?   He was my dermatologist. 

Anyways, I guess relaxing a little is probably a good thing. It is just hard to get myself organized while trying to relax. There are so many people who I want to spend time with before I leave but I just don't have enough days to fit it all in. 

I know everything will get done and I will be happy once I'm settled in NY. I just need to get through this transition. 

I found a great website called Tiny Buddha, with lots of quotes that remind me to just enjoy my time.  Thanks to Tess for sharing this site on her blog!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Sarah has been my best friend since I was three. We lived across the street from each other growing up. We practically lived at each other's houses growing up. We shared a lot... including our obsession with the Backstreet Boys. 

Well, Sarah turned 25 in May and what do you think she asked for? Tickets to the NKOTB and BSB concert! They put on an amazing show at Fenway Park. 

I was fairly certain that I was going to cry the second Nick Carter walked on stage. I am happy to say that I kept my tears inside, but was dancing like a maniac! 

The day was a little bit chilly and about half way through their show, it started pouring. I mean pouring

Everyone started out the show in Red Sox jerseys, played a bit in Bruins attire, and finished out with Celtics and Orlando Magic jerseys. 

I think this may have been one of the most fun concerts I've ever been to. It was exciting to go back in time and be just as excited as I was at their concert when I was a teenager. You could tell that the NKOTB were beyond excited to be playing at Fenway. Their excitement, plus the rain, made it a once in a lifetime concert. 

And, no....I am not embarrassed by any of this :) 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Top 3

I'm not someone who gets anxious or worked up very often, but for some reason, I can't shake that feeling today.

So, I decided that I need to start thinking about things that made me happy.

Today, I was happy because...

The weather was perfect today! We got through the first of four Orientation sessions. Welcome, Class of 2015!
I have the chance to get off campus tonight, go for a walk & have dinner with someone who I'm really going to miss when I leave.
I have someone wonderful in my life who I can talk to about anything. For the first time, I'm not afraid to talk about things or worry about being myself. I'm so lucky.

24 days...

I'm (hesitantly) counting down the days until I pack up the U-Haul and start my trip out to Buffalo.

I can see it now....

A beautiful July day. 
Everyone I pass getting really excited for their long, holiday weekend. 
Sun shining.
My whole life (okay, just everything that I want to carry along with me) packed into boxes.
Plugging my New York address into my GPS.
And me crying uncontrollably as I drive down the highway, thinking about how much I'm leaving behind.

Yes, I know, it sounds dramatic, but I will put money on the fact that this is how I'll be. As the date gets closer, I'm having more and more tear filled conversations, both with myself and with other people. 

I feel like a College freshman again. Probably even more scared this time, since I'll be living more than an hour from home for the first time. I continuously have that feeling in my throat that I'm going to start crying at any moment. 

So, why am I doing this?? I know it is a great opportunity for me. I have all the support from the people I love. As much as I will miss them, I know that in just two years I will be packing up my life again to move back to Boston. I'll probably be writing another post about how much I am dreading leaving my new friends. 

But that doesn't make this any easier. I am happy right now. I have found people who I want to keep in my life. Giving up seeing them every day is going to be hard. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sigh of relief

My newest obsession - a Corkie! 
How adorable is she??

It is finally the middle of May. For anyone in Higher Ed (or any college student for that matter), that means the academic year has finally ended. The Class of 2011 has graduated and everyone has moved out of the residence halls. It is quiet on campus.

I an working on my End of the Year Report for work and I really think I need to write a personal one as well. So much has happened this year and I am so ready to get started on my next adventure. I've ended some things and started others. I've figured out what my next step will be, which is such a good feeling.

Because everyone was moving out of the halls, we had donation drop-off locations in the lobby of my building. I was able to get rid of over ten bags of clothes, shoes, scarves and other knick-knacks. It feels so good! I know that this will help me with my move. Just imagine the space I'm saving in the car! 

I also rolled all of the coins (with some special help - thank you!) and was able to buy a pair of Hunter rain boots! Yippee! Since it will be raining all week, I sure hope they get here soon! 


Today my best friend Nichole graduated! She is amazing and somehow balanced a full time job, with graduate school. Congrats to her!! 

I am so excited to think that in two years, I can be just like her! 

Friday, April 29, 2011

The sweetest

Bambi and Thumper

Show a little respect

Having the conversation with someone about what it means to respect another person is a very difficult one. I would like to expect that everyone understands what "respect" means. However, during the conversations, I very quickly get asked "I don't like her, why would I be nice?"

I go into "mother hen" mode. I don't expect that everyone will get along. I don't think it is healthy for everyone to be best friends. Some (respectful) conflict is important. When you are in conflict, you are able to learn about yourself, your values and how you process situations. But when you start escalating a situation and attacking another person, you become just plain mean. There is a difference between avoiding a situation and being rude. 

How is it that I can help students to learn how to politely dislike someone?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The next two years...

As the summer is getting closer,I am thinking more and more about how it is going to be to move away. Part of me is scared. Part of me is excited. Part of me is worried about things changing while I'm gone. Part of me knows that while things will change, the most important things will still be here when I get back.

I am so lucky to have wonderful friends and family. Every time I come home, things are exactly how they were when I left. Sure, some minor things are different, but I can easily jump back in. I can only hope that the same is true in two years.

I had dinner with a friend tonight in the town that I grew up in and after filling each other in on what's new, I drove home and thought about all of my friends and the good times that I had. I was lucky.

Anyways, it's been a while since I've blogged. I have a few drafts but I haven't had time to put much thought into them. One is a little more in depth than usual, so I want to give it the time that it needs to be well written.

Last week I watched the Boston Marathon. It was amazing. Although I've grown up around here my whole life, this was my first time watching. My friend Mike was running. He's super fast! You can read his blog here.

Jenn got down there really early to get a spot - an AWESOME spot! We were right by the finish line. It was amazing watching the winners come by. I couldn't run that fast, ever!

The other big update that I have is a little hard for me to admit. I've always said that I would resist the peer pressure and not partake just because everyone else was doing it. But I have to admit it...I have started watching Harry Potter. Because of the Easter break, I've had some time off. In about two days, I've watched 5 of the movies. I'm addicted.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

This is a pretty cool website. Check it out! 

simple things...

I took a trip to Whole Foods yesterday. If I could, I would shop there every time.

 I bought new shampoo. It smells a.w.e.s.o.m.e.

- - - - - - - - - -

I have a busy weekend lined up. 

On Friday I'm chaperoning. Yup, my job give me lots of perks, one of them being the ability to use the word "chaperoning". One of the clubs on campus is bringing students to the Wrentham Outlets for a couple of hours. Retail therapy while still being at "work"? I'm in!

Matt Nathanson is playing on Saturday. I'm going to that with some wonderful people!

Sunday will be filled with a baby shower and hopefully a trip to Merrimack! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Gossip is powerful thing. It is so hard to remove yourself from it, no matter how hard you might try. Maybe it is because I work on a college campus that I see it more, but it seems never ending. 

I've been much more conscious of my actions and the decisions that I make because I know they will probably be talked about. I want to make sure that I am comfortable with what I'm doing, so I'm less impacted by what others say about it. 

We have conversations at the beginning of every year about gossip and rumors. The intention of the person sharing the information is the most important thing. If it is in the best interest for someone else to know, great, if it is to intentionally hurt whoever your talking about, that's wrong. Sharing information is important. we all do it every day. 

I'm happy. I like where I am right now. I think I'm really lucky to have great people in my life. I just need to be more comfortable ignoring what others say. Those people who constantly talk badly about others are building their own negative reputation. That will become a big enough problem for them in the end. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I finally found out how to make my own header for this blog, thanks to this site and a little help from Picasa

Picasa is wonderful! 

Now that I know how to make fun collages, I need to start taking more pictures! 

Good Mood Music

There's no way to be in a bad mood while listening to this song!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Why, you ask? 

I woke up in a cranky mood. Then I got in the shower and had cold water (which is even more annoying, since it is a frequent morning irritation). Once I finally got to work, I tried to pull my shade because the sun was hitting my computer and knocked over my lamp, breaking the bulbs. 


After work I treated my bad mood with some McDonalds. Always a helpful meal. I went back to the office to finish some things, which cleared my mind a little. 

Now I'm back in my apartment trying to relax. 

I made some tea...

...lit some yummy smelling candles...

(This picture would be a lot better looking if my table wasn't dirty...)

...and decided to write out some thank you cards. 

What better way to boost my mood than to make someone else smile! 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunny Day

Today I went for a really nice walk. It was sunny and (semi) warm. I took some pictures using Hipstamatic (it is an iPhone app that one of my students told me about and it is super awesome!)

Since I'm so obsessed with the app, and the pretty flowers that are on my table, I took more pictures...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Things I Love

Some things I'm loving right now...

- The change in weather

- Playing Words With Friends

- Johnson's Baby Lotion

- This website that reviews "Chick Lit"

- Sushi (this is a new obsession...I'm taking suggestions on what to order)

- This cupcake website

- Cadbury Eggs

-The pretty flowers on my kitchen table

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have a fortune from a fortune cookie hanging on the mirror in my bedroom. 

It reads "Set the right example, it will inspire others". 

I try to remind myself to think that way every day. I don't always do such a great job, but hey, at least I'm thinking about it. 

But, what happens when you try to set a good example and hold others to a certain standard and it still doesn't work out? What happens when people are a negative influence on those that they are supposed to be role models for? 

It is frustrating to be in a position where you have the opportunity to have such a big impact on others and really feel like you're making a difference in their lives, and instead you're watching someone ruin it for them. There's a hard balance between getting involved and letting things play out as they will. 

_ _ _ 

Anyways, I should stop complaining and think about all of the AWESOME things that have been happening! 

I got accepted into a wonderful masters program and got an assistantship that will pay for almost all of it! I have amazing friends who have been so supportive, even though we're all sad that I'll be away for two years. I got beautiful "congratulations" flowers and my parents are going to take me out to dinner this weekend. They're the best! 

We're doing a program at work called GetFit. Team Sunshine and Butterflies is (not) dominating. I've been working out more than normal, so that's great....but apparently we're not working hard enough. Oh well, if all else fails, maybe we can still win an award for Best Team Name.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What's the point...

...of this?

Wouldn't it be much more useful for everyone to share their favorite places to donate to? 

I just heard of the Happy Hearts Fund. It helps children who live in natural disaster areas. They are doing a special collection for Japan. Click here to donate. 

warm weather

Today was beautiful. I spent the weekend at my parents house, watching the dog while they're away on vacation. I was able to see some friends, spend some time outside and relax. So perfect.

So, I did it...I paid of my credit card completely. Well, since I'm bragging, I'll go further to say both of them are now paid off! I'm so happy that I was able to do this. Now I can actually start saving money. I feel like I need a Weight Watchers type program for money. Yes, I know that's called a budget, but I need someone to regulate what I spend. I'm terrible at it. I don't go on huge shopping sprees or anything like that, but stores like CVS and Target get me every single time.

I know that I really have no choice but to save, since I'll be going back to school in the fall and I will definitely be broke!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Born This Way

If I could have one talent, it would be singing. This little girl is great!

Monday, March 14, 2011


It always seems strange to me when someone starts a conversation or a question with "This is probably none of my business, but..." or "I don't care one way or another, but...".

It always seems like a lie. If you really didn't think it was your business, you wouldn't have asked. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have brought it up. It is funny to me that people think that starting with those comments makes it less awkward to pry. It isn't less awkward. It is frustrating. If I wanted to talk to you about my personal life, I would probably have talked to you.

Although, I guess I could do a better job of answering honestly. I need to stop saying "it is fine that you asked" when in reality I think you're annoying for asking.

I have gotten so much support from my friends and family with every new thing that has come up, whether it is a new job, a new place I am going to live or a new relationship. The people who support me are the ones who I know really matter. I'm not saying that they necessarily agree with everything that I do, but they have a supportive way of disagreeing.

The people who "know it is none of their business" are probably right.

I think this turned out to be more of a rant and more angry-sounding than I actually am. I guess it all started with a bad coffee this morning. Yuck.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Buffalo was wonderful! I'm so happy that after my time there I feel so much better about possibly (hopefully) spending the next two years there. 

Buffalo itself was kind of....gray. It was snowy and a little rainy every day, but I can handle that. The people that I met were really nice and I can see myself (again, hopefully) becoming friends with them. 

So, I've sent in my deposit to the school and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I hear some good news about one of the assistantships that I interviewed for. 

I am becoming more and more aware of how much I am going to miss Boston and everyone here. I'm going to have a really hard time being away, but I know I will be back here in just two years. I just need the weather to get a tiny bit warmer so I can start crossing things off my "To Do Before I Leave Boston" list. 

I was super tired today because of the long drive home yesterday. I sucked it up though and joined my mom and dad for a St. Patrick's Day race in Somerville. 

People were super dressed up, so it was a lot of fun! 

Now the rest of the day is devoted to sweat pants, naps and some TV. 

And on a totally separate note, I decided that I need to bake soon....I'll have to start looking for a really yummy cupcake recipe. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I(t) will get better!

So, this week has been full of both smiles and tears. Literally. I've been sick with the flu (which has now changed over to a cold) for about a week now and I finally broke down today. I cried and cried because I just wanted to feel better. I felt like a child!

When I told Mom that I cried, she responded with "Well, yeah, that's what we do when we're sick. Mostly because we feel bad for ourselves." Simple as that. Thanks Mom.

Then she took me to the doctor and I was given some medicine to hopefully make me feel better. Yay!

Tomorrow I leave for Buffalo so I can interview for an assistantship. (If you're worried that I'll get others sick, don't be. I'm no longer contagious!) I'm really excited to go out there. I will have my car so I'll be able to look around the city a little bit. I think it will be a great time!

I am promising myself that once I'm feeling better, I will get my butt back into the gym. My body is so mad at me for just laying around for the past week. I need to get moving again.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Be Authentic

I just read a great post from Kristen Rupert, who works in Academic Advising.

Evolve with KARupert

Moms really do give great advice!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sick Day

So it finally happened...I got sick. I had been lucky all winter but it finally hit me today. Luckily I didn't have too many things scheduled for work so I took the day off. 

I've watched Definitely, Maybe

...and The Blind Side

which are both awesome movies. It was nice to lay around for a while. 

My dad came by. He is probably the most wonderful dad in the whole world. He was coming up just to drop off an old prom dress that I wanted to donate, but he brought about a month's worth of groceries. I'm going to be eating well for a while! 

I found some pictures that are making my yucky day a little better...

Monday, February 28, 2011

In need of a vacation

Well, we're back to the icky weather. Cold, cold, cold rain. It is so dreary that I actually have my lights on in my office, which probably like the fourth time I've turned them on all year. I would much rather have the sun light up the room.

I'd love to run away to somewhere warm right now. Somewhere that had one of these...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thank You

I want to take the time to thank the people who inspired me to start blogging. Since I don't want to get too much into my personal life on here, I stay away from specifics and actual events and just write about how I'm feeling. I think this has really made me pay attention to my reactions to things and how I handle different aspects of my life.

So, thank you!

I am so happy to have flowers in my apartment. I went out the other day and saw some pretty ones so I bought them to bring some springtime in (and I got to put them in my new vase from Anthropologie...bonus!!).

Then my dad came on Friday and brought me some roses for Valentines Day.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about Valentines Day but I am having a great day. My weekend was full of friends.

Yesterday I had dinner with my students. It was great. I made some heart shaped cupcakes for them.

Today I took the day off of work (it had nothing to do with the fact that it was Valentine's Day) and the weather was perfect. I was able to get a lot done and now I feel relaxed again.

I hope you're all having a love-filled day!