Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Thoughts

I am so glad that Thanksgiving is only two weeks away. I can't wait to spend some time at home. That's going to be a great weekend. On top of Thanksgiving plans, my niece's 2nd birthday party is on Saturday. That will be great.

Although I just had a weekend filled with work, I'm looking forward to this week. I'll be getting away a little more than usual, which I think I need. I don't get out of Boston, or really away from my apartment/work very often. Not having a car makes it hard to take quick trips. My best friend has been in her apartment since this summer and I have only been there once. She only lives about 20 minutes away, so it is crazy! Tyler's also lived in his new apartment since August and I have been out there a handful of times. I wish I had an easier way to get out to them, but until I win the lottery (yes, it will happen) I'll be relying on the MBTA to get me around...

Anyways, recently during one of my staff meetings, some of my students were really upset. Crying. I didn't even know what to do. So, I told them that they needed to share two things that were going really well in their lives at that moment. I've tried since then to do that for myself on a regular basis. Here are some things that are going well or that I'm really looking forward to...

  • 53 days until our trip to Disney World! 
  • I bought a yummy pomegranate today. 
  • I have some great friends (although I'm not sure if I tell them that enough). 
  • I get to spend the weekend with Tyler. 
  • I have dinners planned for the whole week...real meals! 
  • I bought the Taylor Swift cd. 
Well, that's it for today! 

1 comment:

  1. I just read this and I'm so glad you bought the Taylor Swift cd. Although I'm not a fan, I know you wanted it. :)
